Map of Grand Army Plaza and Prospect heights with a row of illustrated fists and some holding signs

United Neighbors of

Prospect & Crown Heights


a flyer for a community meeting. At the top is a grayscale image of a person speaking to a group of people. Text on the flyer is provided within the body of the webpage.

Community Meeting

Join Mayor Adams, DOT, NYPD, and FDNY as we hold a town hall meeting as a follow up to our June meeting. Hear from local faith leaders and business groups impacted by changes to our community

We’ll be talking about:

The community impact of the DOT bike boulevard design on Underhill Avenue.

The community impact of the three day open street programming on residents and local businesses, including Mitchell’s Soul Food.

When: Monday 9/9/2024 at 7 pm. Doors open at 6:30 pm

Where: PS 9- 80 Underhill Avenue

Registration required: email

*Space is limited

If you were unable to RSVP for this meeting, it will be live streamed at

United Neighbors of Prospect and Crown Heights (UNPCH) is a grassroots group of neighbors, first responders and small businesses working together to find an equitable solution to shared street usage in the Prospect and Crown Heights community.  The DOT’s recent redesign of Underhill Avenue, which we believe to be unnecessary, has introduced a host of problematic issues to the residents, public school and businesses along its corridor and in the neighboring blocks. In addition, the ongoing  Vanderbilt Open Streets project has had a deleterious effect on businesses and residents both on Vanderbilt and adjoining streets. These aggressive street closures have caused unprecedented traffic congestion on Atlantic and Washington Avenues as well as the side streets. We are calling on the DOT, Mayor’s office and our elected reps to come together and help us negotiate a solution that works for the community at large.

Take Action!