Evening picture of the front of the Brooklyn Museum with a line of people waiting to enter

Washington Avenue

The Underhill redesign pushes traffic onto Washington Avenue. With the closure of Vanderbilt 3 days a week, the sewer construction and Barclays stadium traffic, Washington Avenue is now clogged, polluted, and dangerous for pedestrians, bikers and cars.  Traffic backs up to a standstill on a regular basis during rush hour from Eastern Parkway up north across Atlantic Avenue, causing additional problems for first responders.

Have you been impacted by the changes on Underhill Avenue or have images to share of the direction repercussions of these changes? Please complete our Impact Statement Form.

“Traffic backs up during open streets. It is dangerous to our health (pollution). It slows down the buses on Washington and Bergen. I see ambulances and fire trucks struggling to navigate. Pedestrians and bikers are in danger due to the increase in aggressive driving. I feel unsafe as a pedestrian when Open streets is happening (and of course, compounded by Underhill being shut down and now converted). This also affects my enjoyment of our Washington Avenue restaurants that have outdoor seating – too loud and polluted.”

“My business has seen a 20% decline in revenue on the weekends. The increase in car traffic has made Washington Ave a more dangerous place for pedestrians.”